Saturday, August 13, 2016

Here Come the Bams!

What are "BAMs"? BAMs are short bulletins I'll be posting just to keep you up to date with what's happening in my little corner of the comicbook writing universe. Enjoy!

BAM! Beetle Girl #3, written by moi, is now available in .pdf format via DriveThru Comics (where we debuted at #1--huzzah!), with the print version coming your way next month!

BAM! Fun Adventure Comics #1 (Featuring Midnight Stranger and Alex Miracle) is available all over the place, in a variety of formats and venues (IndyPlanet, Kindle, DriveThru, and comiXology ), and also made it's DriveThru debut, last month, at #1! Whoo! Thanks for your support!

BAM! Fun Adventure Comics #2 (with part 2 of Midnight Stranger, along with a couple surprises) will be out in September. Here are a few pages to whet your appetite...

BAM! Got THREE great strips coming up (Hugh Hazzard and Robo the Iron Man [for Golden Era Comics], Wardoll, and...well, we're not gonna tell ya yet, but we're going KOZMIK), co-created in conjunction with my partner-in-crime David Johnson Jr.--maybe more! We're comix-crazy, so watch out!
Who is he? Stay tuned!

Keep on buying our comics--and let us know what ya think of 'em right down there in the comments section!