Friday, April 7, 2017

Even More Comics Are Comin'!

Yeah, there's been a bit of a lull in my stories being published, but things are moving along on several fronts, so get ready for some fun funnies!

First of all, my Unbeatable Brick story for Surprising Universe #1 is almost completed! Artist David Johnson, Jr. set a high bar in the art department, and "So You Think You've Had a Bad Day?" (how'zat for a superhero origin title?) is coming down the home stretch in the lettering department. We should be hearing about a release date for SU#1 from publisher Mark Davis very soon. I've also written the second episode of Unbeatable Brick and will start on the third one, soon. Meantime, check out some more of David's awesome Unbeatable Brick art...

David and I are also working on a brand-new cosmic character called Captain Beyond! We're thrilled with CB's three-part origin story and hope you will be too! It'll be a little while before it's ready for print, but meantime plant your peepers on this taste of wonderment to come...!

Next, I have brand new  Kragor story in the works, this one illustrated by Ian Groff! This might be my favorite Kragor story yet, and I'm' so excited Ian's drawing it!  Ian has a cool style that suits our favorite teen barbarian perfectly! Just check out some samples and see for yourself...

I'm also collaborating with artist Russell Martin (illustrator of Daemon Mask, which you can read in Pulp Adventures Magazine #24--order a copy here) on another brand-new character called Ash-Aman of Atlantis. This is a straight-up fantasy character that I think you're really gonna dig! Check out Russ' designs for the main characters of Ash-Aman's first story arc:

I also have a couple stories I plan to submit to The Creeps (now nationally distributed via comics shops AND newsstands across America! Way to go, Publisher Rich Sala!), so fingers crossed there.

The original Kragor story illustrated by Louis Sollune, the third Midnight Stranger story (illoed by the incredible Joe Koziarski), and the sci-fi/western/horror short-shocker "Snake Eyes" will be coming your way via Will Lill's Fun Adventure Comics very soon, so hang in there!

I have a bunch of stories featuring The Black Spider (for all you fans of pulp-inspired superheroes) and Guns & Rosa (for all you western fans) that I still need artists for, so, artists, don't be shy and send me samples @ or contact me via the comments section below.

There's lots more to come--2017 is gonna be a comicbook blast! Stay tuned!